Home Mining News Gold mine lawsuit: Suspension decision prompts calls for holistic measures

Gold mine lawsuit: Suspension decision prompts calls for holistic measures


The Erzincan Administrative Court has decided to suspend the execution in the lawsuit filed by the Chamber of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) against Anagold Mining and the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change regarding the capacity increase in the İliç gold mine. Emin Koramaz, the Chairman of the TMMOB Board, emphasized that the suspension is insufficient, calling for the revocation of all Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and operation permits granted.

The mine, marred by a recent landslide trapping nine workers under slurry, has raised concerns about environmental damage and human health risks associated with cyanide mining operations. The TMMOB advocates for the immediate closure of the mine and thorough investigations into responsible public officials and company executives.

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