Amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, railway transports of Russian nickel and fertilizers to Finland persist into their third year, even after the Finnish...
The main share of imports falls on semi-finished products – 69.4% of the total volume of deliveries
In 2023, the European Union reduced imports of...
Russian gold and tin miner Seligdar today announced production results for the full-year 2022.
The company's gold production in 2022 amounted to a record 243...
The Kutyn heap leach facility is expected have an annual ore processing capacity of 1.3Mtpa.
Gold and silver mining company Polymetal has announced the production...
Gold and silver mining company Polymetal has announced the production of first gold at its Kutyn mine in Khabarovsk, Russia.
Located in Tugur-Chumikan, Khabarovsk, and...
The Russian mining giant Norilsk Nickel’s spending on social projects doubled in 2021 and reached $1 billion, the company mentioned in its consolidated financial...
Russia's State Development Corporation VEB.RF will finance supply of Russian equipment for the largest copper processing plant in Uzbekistan.
A 712 million Euro loan agreement...