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Category: Energy News

Poland Baltic Gas project

The Baltic Gas Project involves the development of the B4 and B6 gas fields located in Poland's exclusive economic zone in the Southern Baltic...

Poland oil shale exploration, reality check for energy firms

Poland's shale formations have attracted the most attention within the region. The nation depends heavily on coal, and what natural gas it does use...

Hellenic Petroleum Greece wins new oil concessions

Greece has awarded concessions to Hellenic Petroleum and Energean Oil and Gas for on shore gas exploration and exploitation in three fields, the Energy...

EBRD US$ 75 million loan to Energean Oil and Gas S.A

EBRD plans to support up to US$ 75 million loan to Energean Oil and Gas S.A, of which USD$ 25 million are expected to...

EU Greens accuse Gazprom on its pressure lobby tactics over Nord Stream

Central European Countries are worried that Nord Stream will allow Russia to scrap its biggest gas route via Ukraine, called the Ukrainian corridor, which carries roughly...

US BNK Petroleum to sell its Poland Slupsk oil gas concession

BNK Petroleum announced that it has filed the paperwork necessary to relinquish the Slupsk concession in the Baltic Basin of Poland and intends to...

Ukraine oil company Ukrnafta wants international capital for further investments

Ukrnafta oil company plans accessing international capital for further investment. Ukrnafta’s new management team delivered a long-term strategy to the company’s Supervisory Board for their...

Bankers Petroleum to resolve tax dispute with Albania

Bankers obtained a commitment from the Albanian natural resources agency to engage a third-party international auditor to resolve the tax dispute in September 2015,...

Hungary oil company MOL plans to reduce investments abroad, focus on assets closer to home

MOL Group CEO, Mr. Zsolt Hernádi is on and off the Interpol wanted list. Hungary’s courts willingly cleared him of any wrongdoing, but the...
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